
The Importance of Career Pathing for Remote Professionals

Dec 1, 2024
The Importance of Career Pathing for Remote Professionals

The world of work is changing rapidly, thanks in part to the advances made in the technology marketplace. As companies continue progressing toward a more modern approach to operations, it is no surprise that an estimated 63% of businesses have remote workers among their ranks. What may be shocking is that half of these organizations have no remote work policy, including the absence of career pathing capabilities for those who work outside the confines of a traditional office. Remote workers deserve the same type of career development frameworks and opportunities as on-site employees, but the distance can make this task more daunting. The good news is that technology makes this less of a challenge for organizations with remote employees.  


Here’s what companies need to know about the importance of career pathing among remote workers, and how to implement a sound process for achieving it.  

Why Career Pathing Still Matters?

Companies across nearly all verticals are constantly seeking out ways to be more efficient while remaining competitive in today’s saturated business environment. One strategy for accomplishing this is offering remote work to highly talented individuals, among both current and prospective employees. Remote work provides an opportunity to expand the talent pool, decrease the amount of physical space a company needs, and improve morale among a workforce. However, offering remote work can only be a successful model for companies when their employees, near and far, are engaged.  


In recent years, many businesses have renewed their focus on employee engagement. A recent Gallup survey reveals that only 13% of employees are actively engaged in their work. Many of those admitting disengagement cite a lack of connection to their employer as the culprit. Part of this disconnection comes from a failure to see a clear career trajectory within the company. Career pathing can help boost engagement and create feelings of value among workers.  


Career pathing, simply put, is the process by which management empowers employees to map out career scenarios based on defined competencies and skill sets needed for specific positions. For remote workers, being included in career pathing processes is crucial to engagement and ultimately, retention. However, studies show that compared with employees who spend at least some time in the office, remote employees are 30% less likely to have a discussion with their supervisor about career goals. This has lead to high turnover among individuals who work remotely—an issue that costs the organization significantly.  

Implementing Career Pathing for Remote Workers  

The good news is that there is a solution for engaging remote workers in the career pathing process. Many businesses are jumping on the technology bandwagon when it comes to implementing career development solutions through career pathing software. With this tool, a systematic approach to career pathing for remote workers can be developed, ultimately enabling employees to plan out scenarios based on their current and future skills. Employers have an opportunity to recommend career paths to specific remote employees, while simultaneously suggesting job enhancements or lateral moves that best fit an individual’s goals. The combination of employee empowerment and management recommendations through a digital platform fits the bill for remote workers, improving engagement and connection with the organization as a whole.  


The benefits of career pathing for remote workers can also be integrated with a more holistic performance management system. This offers tailored professional development opportunities, timely recognition and feedback, and ongoing career progression that meets the needs of the remote worker and the company. Organizations taking a modern approach to career pathing have a greater chance of success in recruiting and retaining top talent while boosting efficiencies across the board.

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